
Offering design support to individual developers and development teams

  • UI design for Web, Mobile and Desktop
  • UX/UI app design reviews
  • HTML/CSS or XAML page styling

Website design, HTML/CSS template construction for NettMore's content-managed site for Denefield School... more

Windows Phone design & XAML page construction for Steam Achievements app... more

Windows Phone Information Architecture map for music streaming service app... more

UWP Capture app for plant manufacturing process... more

Design review report for Windows Phone app... more

Website design and HTML/CSS template construction for Alfa Aid content-managed site, customer of NettMore... more

Games character design, asset creation and XAML animation for Silverlight game, 'Olop'... more

iOS visual design for NettMore app... more

Visual design and asset production for airline web app... more

Windows Universal app XAML styling and asset creation for medical app... more

Windows Universal app design and XAML styling for enterprise app... more

WPF wizard design and XAML styling... more