
Windows Phone Information Architecture map for music streaming service app

Creating top level Information Architecture map of music streaming app

In the early stages of planning a Windows Phone version of a music streaming service iOS/Android app, myself and designer, Debbie George, were asked to map the user journey/interactions of the existing app and align it to the Windows Phone platform.

Challenges & approaches

  • Mapping an app is so useful, not only in documenting the flow and structure of the app, but in fully familiarising oneself with the functionality and interactions that might be hidden from simply using the app. Formalising the process in this way forces deeper investigation and exploration.
  • Working through both Android and iOS versions highlighted differences between platforms - how the platform conventions might affect the user experience.
  • We also looked at where Windows Phone controls differed and might be utilised in certain scenarios. For example, pivots or panorama controls could be brought into play. App bar buttons might clean up the UI and allow more real estate for imagery etc.
  • Working with other designers as a team is always fantastic. You're able to bounce ideas back and forth and have a second perspective to every issue.
  • Having a top level Visio document at the end of the exercise helped to communicate the extent of the project and any complexites to both developer and Project Manager.
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